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Enemy Shoot player and THEN resume patrol ? Is this a Bug ?

Registered User
2017-05-11 13:34:07

The Enemy Shoots the player and THEN resume patrol instead of continuing to shoot.

This makes no sense, why is this the default behavior ? The enemy should only stop shooting when the player move out of the radius.

And also, the AttackAnimation [Shooting with recoil animation] only play once instead of repeating which it should.

What is going on here ?
Is this a bug or this is just the way it is ?

I can record a video of it happening it you want to Niko.

2017-05-11 14:12:12

yes it's exactly how that work, Ia need to be improve a little, that will be cool to control "agressivity" of enemy with somes parameters...

Registered User
2017-05-11 14:15:45

Hello Bob, thank you for answering.
So the enemy is not really an enemy then, it's more like a "I am going to shoot you ONCE because you are too close to me, oh wait, you are still alive after I shoot you because your health is not zero yet ? Oh that's ok I will just turn around and patrol randomly like you are not here..."

This is...this is...what ? ha ha ha

Niko, even if you managed to get the actor to continue shooting if within radius on loop, you still have to fix the enemy rotating to keep on looking at the character and perhaps even additional rotation to correct shooting direction manually.

And ALSO, you need to correct the bug that the shooting animation didn't loop.

Let me know if you need a video for me to explain.

Registered User
2017-05-11 16:39:19

You can overwrite the Ai with the Javascript Api

use the ccbAICommand();

You can tell it exactly when to attack, where to move etc

Also play around with the attributes especially with the PatrolWaitTime and ActivationRadius, and the WeaponRange attribute of the Shoot action plays a factor as well.

Registered User
2017-05-12 02:28:06

I will look into that ishmaru, thank you.
By the way, would the enemy still attack if within activation radius but between you and the enemy there is a wall collider blocking ?

Registered User
2017-05-12 17:39:25

I believe the enemy will detect you but will not shoot. He may approach the wall in an attempt to go around it if i remember correctly.

I personally just have a node that clones enemies when the player is in proximity.

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