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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Since we already have a "When Clicked on this do something", will we have "When touched on this do something"

Registered User
2017-05-10 06:11:29

Since we already have a "When Clicked on this do something", will we have "When touched on this do something" someday ?
Not on an overlay, but on a 3D model itself.

Not really needing it at the motion, just wondering...and also, if this is implemented, would it not conflict with the First Person Shooter behavior in Android ?

2017-05-13 08:30:46

Hm, on most platforms, this is already treated the same, I think. Where doesn't it work for you, on Android? And yes, this usually conflicts with the FPS controller on touch screen systems, right.

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