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Light flickering Script???

Registered User
2017-03-23 02:33:57

Can someone help me out with a light flickering script made for CC? I'm wanting it for creepy scenes and something that will make a light randomly flicker.. Plus I'd like to be able to adjust the speed please

I would appreciate it greatly

2017-03-23 04:02:51

You can use Random variable sceipted action and then add another action and assign show and hide a scene node... And for difreent variables set invisible and viaiblity of scenennode....

For example if you random variable value is from 1 to 4...

Assign invisibility of light scenenode if variable is 1 or 3 and make it visible again if variable is 2,4.....

One more thing assign that scripted action random variable(value). To the behaviour every few seconds do something..... And choose 100 or 500 ms......

Hope it helps!!

Registered User
2017-03-23 05:25:26

Cool I'll try it thanks

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