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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
How do I export my animation WITH its textures/color from Fragmotion?

Registered User
2017-03-09 06:53:23

Hello, I made a red colored robot character in Wings3D and animated it with Fragmotion and the process came out fine. I exported my robot in the Direct X (or .x) format and the robot and animation came out well when I imported it into Coppercube, but the robot's red color that I saw in Wings3D and Fragmotion didn't show in Coppercube. That is, Coppercube didn't include the color that was put forth in the modeling program. I tried the MilkShake format ms3d, but I got the same results. Thus, how do I fix this? Thanks!

2017-03-09 18:21:23

For that you have to bake texture for your 3d model and then export the texture as png ,jpg or any other supported format...

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