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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Asset Store

2017-02-18 05:14:57

Good Day...

I would like to request an asset store for scripted behaviors and actions.

It will be a nice was to economies coppercube and there are a lot of people with scripts that they want to upload and sell, but have no place to do it.

There are some third party websites, but they have not taken off.

Coppercube is limited primarily because the community can only moneties it by selling games or other to third parties.

Please give us the chance to expand coppercube in a proven way, like the Unity asset store.

For example, many people have been asking for a multiplayer script. If the community could put this on sale, then it would make a lot of people happy.

Personally, coppercube is very limited as it stands...

A simple ladder in Coppercube is not implementable in third person without JAVASCRIPT Experience.

These type of things, I would love to code and put up on sale.

Coppercube should not be extended for money just by ambiera.

I feel that it is unfair to the community that wants to invest in coppercube in a big way.

There is so much potential here it is unbelievable.

At the moment the proffesional edition of CopperCube does not justify it's cost as 99% of your clients are not looking to extend the core in my opinion as you have advertised this application as non programming engine.

If I were to buy the premium version it would only be for 2 of the features and thus I cannot justify, the purchase.

I think that this is the case with many of your clients

2017-02-19 06:48:33

Something like this would be nice, but for now, it is not planned. But if you like to created and sell your stuff, just do that, I'll also be happy to link your extensions from the official website.

2017-03-04 22:26:25

Thanks Niko...

I will keep this in mind... I might just do it..If anybody else does it before me, even better

Registered User
2017-03-05 15:44:25

As I am primarily an artist with a (aged) brain that just never will understand much of coding, I would really welcome more scripts/extensions.

An alternative suggestion in how to do it:
Ask on the forum what the most helpful scripts could be, then go for one and some of us could crwodfund it. (lets say a more complex script).
Simpler ones could be sold in a "normal" fashion.

Just an idea.

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