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Run button not working and transfering nodes between scenes?

Registered User
2017-02-16 01:40:04

Ok so I'm almost done with my game's combat system (thankfully) but I'm running into 2 big problems. The first being when I set an emulation key to shift so my character runs, the button simply doesn't make my character run.
The second question would be; is there a way to transfer nodes between scenes? It would be a pain if I had to go through and set the start and stop animation times for the 20 animations I have merged together on the main character for every scene. If not, I guess I could make the entire game within 1 scene, however I feel like that would lag the game up pretty bad.

Registered User
2017-02-16 12:53:29

1) Have'nt got a clue
2) I searched the forums earlier about this: somebody saved the current scene under a different name and then simply deleted everything unwanted and kept what was needed for the next scene - lets say that character of yours.
Not the most ideal way, but it works :-)

Registered User
2017-02-16 22:39:51

Thanks! That solves one of the problems :)

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