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Combining individual animation files.

Registered User
2017-02-03 04:29:31

Hey, i'm having trouble combining individual animation files. I use mixamo and convert them to .x but I can't figure out how to combine them. I downloaded Motionbuilder but i'm having a little trouble with it. Not to mention it's only a free trial. Any suggestions/steps to follow? thanks :)

Registered User
2017-02-03 05:19:41

I personally do this:

1. Download the Mixamo animations in the FBX format
2. Convert the FBX files to the 2006 FBX format using the "Autodesk FBX - FBX® 2013.3 Converter"
3. Import the first one into FragMotion and use the "Merge animation" option to merge all of the animations into 1.
4. Export the model to the B3D format, and import into CopperCube.

The only annoyance is you'll have to add new animations in the animation editor and point each one to the appropriate frames, since CC imports the model and it's animations as 1 huge animation, so you'll have to split it up manually.

Registered User
2017-02-04 06:02:09

I personally do this:

1. Download the Mixamo animations in the FBX format
2. Convert the FBX files to the 2006 FBX format using the "Autodesk FBX - FBX® 2013.3 Converter"
3. Import the first one into FragMotion and use the "Merge animation" option to merge all of the animations into 1.
4. Export the model to the B3D format, and import into CopperCube.

The only annoyance is you'll have to add new animations in the animation editor and point each one to the appropriate frames, since CC imports the model and it's animations as 1 huge animation, so you'll have to split it up manually.

Haven't you learned from my videos, use the MS3D format.

Registered User
2017-02-04 07:52:17

Haven't you ever stopped to think that not everyone's workflow is the same as yours? Plus, I've never heard of you before, let alone seen your videos.

Registered User
2017-02-06 02:49:38

Haven't you ever stopped to think that not everyone's workflow is the same as yours? Plus, I've never heard of you before, let alone seen your videos.

.b3d bugs out in blender when editing animations, .MS3D work better.

Registered User
2017-02-06 03:53:45

Ah, well I don't use Blender for animations. I just open the converted FBX files in Fragmotion, combine the animation files, and then export from there to B3D.

Registered User
2017-02-20 03:54:34

Hey buddy, but, i have Problem When i Import and Merge the Animation to Fragmotion, the only Imported it Just the Skeleton with Anim not the Character of what it's like that

2017-02-26 17:26:52

54newstar can we get the url to your totorials thanks!

Registered User
2017-02-27 12:36:33

Merrie, and others, you can find the videos here:

And John, thanks! They have been of great use!

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