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+Sprint Request with working example

Registered User
2017-01-21 21:15:25

A possible solution would be this


The only thing, or two that we need to have a working sprint is
a update of the
Change Position of a Scene Node Action
to include a time limit and a hook for Variables

2017-01-24 05:02:31

Or maybe I should reimlement an alternative FPS controller in JavaScript, so you could adjust it to special needs like this more easier.

Registered User
2017-01-24 23:25:58

wow that would be actually nice, especially since i noticed
something that brakes my weapon system :/

to ellaborate, i got for example 3 weapons
their visibility is controlled by the number keys on the keyboard.
pressing 2 makes 3 and 1 invinsible, all that works pretty nice but
when i accidentally press two or even three of those at the same time - they all get visible and that makes it pretty hard to create a convincing weapon cycle since the screen renders all 3+ weapons at the same time.

So yes a alternative implementation of the fps controller in .js would be very welcome.

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