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contact page css issue

Registered User
2016-11-24 11:03:10


I have added a form in my website. The form works ok and sends the mail but the page looks weird like the css will not load.

I uploaded both contact.php and contact.php.css on th server

The page looks OK when I do a preview.

Here is the page

I also have found something strange happening in the HTML editor.
I added Google Analytics and Faceook script in the page's head via the rocketcake html editor. Later I removed the code with the rocketcake html editor and published the page. But as I checked the code with notepad++ the code was still there despite not showing in the html editor ? and in some pages the code is there twice... Did I something xrong ?

2016-11-25 05:33:24


that's strange with the not applied .css, it could be that some of the many scripts you included somehow disable that. But I could be wrong. If you cannot find it out yourself, you can send me the RocketCake project file and I'll have a closer look at it (see the mail address printed on support -> contact)

Registered User
2016-11-25 09:19:45

Hi. I made some more tests and found a walkaround for the CSS issue.

- I renamed the contact.php.css to contact.css
- I then edited the contact.php file In notepad++ and edited the line
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="contact.css"

Now the browser is able to locate and load the css.

I think this issue may be related to browser cache.

The second issue is still there. Edited out html head code is still present in the html when I publish the site. Not a big issue as I can fix it in notepad++

Registered User
2016-11-25 14:25:56

I think I get it. I thought rocketcake was nesting the contend of the page in an iframe in the master page. After inspecting the resulting code I found out rocketcake rebuilds new html pages and combines the code of the master and the page for each page. This is why I had the script showing twice in the code.

Problem solved, the bug was in the interface between the seat and the keyboard ...

2016-11-27 07:26:06

Ah, nice that you solved it :)

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Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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