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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
on key left up do something..

2016-11-13 05:50:57

How to use on key left up do something using javscript??????

And how to cahnge behaviour/Action properties using javascript...

I had assigned change rotation of an object...
Now i want to change the value of absoulute rotation using javascript how to that???

Any help plzzz???

2016-11-14 09:42:33

In that case, it is probably easier if you do that rotation using JavaScript and adjust the values you want to rotate it then dynamically, also using JavaScript.

For 'on key left up', the easiest way would be to use a behavior for this and trigger your code in an "execute JavaScript" action. Alternatively, you can use ccbRegisterKeyUpEvent() for using your own key handling in Windows .exe and Mac .app platforms, or use the browser built-in handling functions for WebGL

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