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IrrKlang damaging audio drivers?

Registered User
2016-10-12 19:47:28

So I've set up the library and it works fine if I do one of the simple tutorials but I've made a class wrapper for IrrKlang and I've ran into some issues.

The first issue has to do with the class destructor which calls the release of all the irrklang elements and engine which works fine. But I am using Visual Studio and if I am debugging the code during mid audio then proceed to stop debugging, IrrKlang seems to mess with my audio drivers rendering it broken.

Yes I know Visual Studio debugging terminates the program and does not call class destructors so the engine doesn't release properly, but can't this be handled a better way? AKA Not damage my drivers and ears?

As for the driver damage, there seems to be a constant non-stop audio buzz spam as if a song is looping at the same position infinitely and it hurts my ears. Maybe it's not the song, maybe it's a glitch. I can't even tell. What's even worse is that after the computer is restarted, the audio spam resumes at boot. Re-installing my drivers fixes this but are you serious? What exactly is IrrKlang doing being the scenes with my driver and why can't it release properly on its own?

Am I missing some important step here?

Also I've noticed that dropping an ISoundSource causes memory violation. I've read somewhere you aren't supposed to drop this yet it GIVES me the option to when I access its functions. The ISoundSource is a proper pointer, but dropping it seems out of the question. Instead I have to call engine->removeSoundSource.

Also dropping an ISound which doesn't exist (has no pointer) causes more memory violations. Isn't this supposed to be handled internally? I can't even check if ISound exists because checking it against a nullptr or as a null value doesn't work.

There seems to be a lot of undocumented issues here with this audio library. Help me understand because I want to use this library but I am legitimately afraid to use it as it seems to harm my computer.

2016-10-13 06:42:50

There is no way irrKlang can do something like that. It is just a library calling Directsound or WinMM functions like any other audio library. Nothing unusual. You likely have some broken audio devices or drivers. Maybe updating them will help.

Registered User
2016-11-08 22:07:01

So yeah the issue was with the audio drivers. There was a weird feature being enabled that my audio card doesn't support which was causing the issue with all audio applications (not just irrklang) after the process of the application was force closed (destructors not calling which would stop the audio). Learned this after implementing the BASS audio library in my program which produced the same results. And other applications like games also produced similar effects after testing. Force closing the process, not program.

Sorry for the wild accusations I only came across this issue right after I used irrklang so I assumed it was that. Now everything works fine.

Still bent on the fact that the library has some weird quirks. ISoundSource being an object that ->drop() can be used on but not allowed to actually do it.

Registered User
2016-11-09 09:40:57

You are allowed, you just need to call grab() before. Simple basic reference counting.

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