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CopperCube 4.2 released

Registered User
2013-08-24 15:46:57

The normal map is very good and fast. But I think it's not really "Normal mapping". You call this "Normal Mapping" because you use informations from normal texture, but in fact it's "Bump Mapping".

Registered User
2013-08-24 19:32:12

ohhhh... you´re right.... is bad use of the term "Normal-mapping".... Bump Mapping is the correct term.

Registered User
2013-09-09 20:54:24

- Added support for importing precalculated lightmaps.
You can now generate lightmaps for your models with any 3D modelling package and export it,
even without baking the textures. In this way, you are no longer limited by the built-in lightmapper of CopperCube.
In our experiments, this now works very well for example with 3DS Max and the COLLADA exporter.

--> There is a tutorial? I don't understand how it works.
I work under Lightwave. There is no way to import a double texture mapping into CC.

2013-09-12 05:59:22

You are right, there should be some documentation about this. It works for file formats like .3ds, where a material has the possibility to specify a lightmap or ambient occlusion map. It worked for a user who used 3ds MAX to export a .3ds file. Not sure if lightwave can do this as well.

2013-09-13 10:54:41

- Added support for importing precalculated lightmaps.
You can now generate lightmaps for your models with any 3D modelling package and export it,
even without baking the textures. In this way, you are no longer limited by the built-in lightmapper of CopperCube.
In our experiments, this now works very well for example with 3DS Max and the COLLADA exporter.

3DS file format is obsolete. The names of textures can not exceed 8 characters + extension. What's the difficulty. Let's say there is a plane and a standard UVmap Duffusemap and Lightmap "render to texture" from 3ds max. it could not possibly apply to an object in CopperCube ... I tried to apply to IrrEdit options "lightmap"; first texture Duffuse, and the second Lightmap failed. Very sad ...
The screenshot on the left Comletemap + bumpmap. Right not working Diffusemap + Lightmap...


Registered User
2013-09-14 19:34:08

Thank you, cool.
But the problem is I don't use Max. (I use Lightwave)
When I bake a texture I can't apply it into CC. (need double texture mapping with good blend mode)

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